#173 – Future Tech and Trends

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Hello! Welcome to the second episode of our “What Matters in Edtech” series, supported by Bett. This series is all about the things that matter in education, and how and when tech might help.
Over the series, we are looking at themes that shape Bett’s conference programme in 2020, namely:
- Inclusion & SEND
- Future tech and trends
- Wellbeing
- Innovation
- Empowering teaching and learning
- Skills
You can follow the conversation using #Edtechpodcast and #Bett2020
What’s in this episode?
“Edtech is now starting to look at the background of individuals, around their community, their identity” – Mark Martin, Computer Science Lead, South Bank Engineering UTC
This week, we are looking at future tech and trends in teaching and learning. Predicting the future is notoriously difficult, but there is value to be drawn in sharing ideas on where time and energy is being focused and why. In this episode, we speak to a range of educators and edtech specialists, about what’s capturing their attention. We chat mentorship and purpose-driven education, Data Analytics, AI, coding, ethics, interdisciplinarity and the importance of co-creation with educators and learners. Big thanks to Redway Networks for sponsoring this week’s episode. (Check out their competition to win £20,000 of WiFi for your school or college).
Enjoy and have a great week!
Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast

Sophie is the founder of the iTunes new and noteworthy, The Edtech Podcast. The mission of The Edtech Podcast is to improve the dialogue between ‘ed’ and ‘tech’ for better innovation, through storytelling. The podcast is downloaded 2000+ times a week, from over 145 countries with the UK, US & Aus in the top 3. Sophie is a mentor and advisor within the edtech community. If she’s not interviewing a University Lecturer, School Leader, Ex-Angry Bird, NGO, or Investor about education innovation, she’s chasing her son around the park or binge-reading Homo Deus. Twitter: @podcastedtech
Mark Martin, Computer Science Lead, South Bank Engineering UTC aka Urban Teacher
Mark Martin is recognised around the world for his insight and passion for education and technology. He has taught ICT for over 10 years and has become an expert in helping teachers and schools use technology to improve teaching and learning. Mark is an international speaker travelling to different countries inspiring educators to become better facilitators. Also Mark is actively involved in the UK tech sector, supporting tech companies and promoting cultural diversity within organisations. Twitter: @urban_teacher
David Lefevre, Director of the EdTech Lab, Imperial College Business School
David is the Director of the EdTech Lab at Imperial College Business School. He is also the course leader on the Business School’s Pre-study module in Maths. David holds an MSc in Computing Science and a PhD in the field of instructional systems from Imperial College London and, perhaps most importantly, a BSc in Mathematics from the University of East Anglia (UEA). David and his EdTech Lab team launched the Global Online MBA program in 2015 and have received awards along the way including a Gold award at the IMS Learning Impact awards in 2010 and an Effective Practice Award at the Sloan-C Blended Learning Conference in 2011. Twitter: @edtech_lab
Charley Rogers, Editor, Education Technology
Charley Rogers is the editor of Education Technology, based in Bristol. A native of South Wales, Charley completed an undergraduate MA at the University of St. Andrews, followed by a postgraduate MA at Cardiff University. Personal interests include neuroscience and virtual reality, tech-heavy cyberpunk sci-fi, and the maintenance of a healthy book obsession. Twitter: @charley_rogers
Graham Brown-Martin, Founder, Learning Without Frontiers (LWF)
Graham Brown-Martin is a leader in the field of foresight and anticipatory research, bringing together social, political and technological trends to consider how we might prepare ourselves for the future. He is the author of Learning {Re}imagined, the best selling book on global education published by Bloomsbury. He has enjoyed a 30 year career spanning the education, technology and entertainment sectors. He was the founder of Learning Without Frontiers (LWF), a global think tank that brought together renowned educators, technologists and creatives to share provocative and challenging ideas about the future of learning. He left LWF in 2013 to pursue new programmes and ideas to transform the way we learn, teach and live. Today he runs an innovation and design consultancy to help international government agencies and other organisations navigate the future. He was recently retained for a 2 year engagement as the Chief Education and Product Officer for pi-top transforming the way we learn and solve challenges together. Twitter: @grahambm
Niko Lindholm, Program Director, Eduspaze
Niko is an experienced Program Director with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. EduSpaze is Singapore’s first edtech accelerator supported by Enterprise Singapore, the enterprise development agency. It aims to nurture a vibrant edtech startup ecosystem that serves the education sector in Singapore and Southeast Asia. EduSpaze is part of Spaze Ventures. Twitter: @NikoLindholm
Claire Buckler, Director of Learning Commons, Teacher, Computing Science, Devonport High School for Boys
Claire is Director of Learning Commons and manages a digital learning space at Devonport High School for Boys. This involves, amongst many things, helping the students and staff become competent with technology, so that they can use it to drive innovation and achievement in the school. Claire is a trained teacher and also teaches A Level Computer Science. Twitter: @dhsblearn
Quotes from this episode
References from this week’s episode
- Urban Teacher – website homepage
- Mark Martin – twitter
- Mark Martin – linkedin
- Hertfordshire University
- South Bank Engineering UTC
- Data Analytics – explanation
- Machine learning versus AI: what’s the difference? Article Wired, Dec 2016
- VR – explanation
- AR – explanation
- Vocational Training – explanation
- Silos – definition
- Gen Z – explanation
- Millennials – explanation
- Coder vs. programmer: How to tell the difference for recruitment, article Devskiller, Aug 2018
- Programmer – explanation
- Passion Projects, further reading, article by Mind Body Green
- Algorithms – definition
- ICT – explanation
- Computer Science – explanation
- How Finland is fighting fake news – in the classroom, article by World Economic Forum, May 2019
- Cyber Security – further reading
- Skills Gap, The digital skills gap is widening fast, article by World Economic Forum, March 2019.
- BT, Barefoot – further reading
- STEM learning – further reading
- Cloud computing – explanation
- The Stormzy university effect: ‘I feel more represented’, BBC article Oct 2019.
- Upskilling – Skills for All, Nesta article, Oct 2019
- David Lefevre – Imperial College London Profile
- Edtech Lab at Imperial College Business School, website, homepage
- Edtech Lab – twitter
- Imperial College Business School – twitter
- Imperial College Business School – website, homepage
- Intelligent design: a background look at Imperial’s Edtech Lab, student blog on Imperial College Business School, Dec 2017.
- Innovation Team at Imperial College, Imperial Innovation – further details
- Holograph – explanation
- Responsiveness and a long-term outlook are key to firms becoming sustainable, article Imperial College London, July 2019
- Women in Tech event at Imperial College, article ARHT Media Nov 2018.
- Students to be taught by ‘holograms’ at Imperial College London, article Telegraph Nov 2018.
- ‘Hologram’ lecturers to teach students at Imperial College London, article BBC Nov 2018.
- Webinar – definition
- AI – explanation
- Big Data – explanation
- The Power of Big Data and Learning Analytics, article Edtech Magazine, July 2015
- Learning Analytics – explanation
- VR – explanation
- AR – explanation
- Blended learning – explanation
- FOME Alliance, website homepage
- Melbourne Business School, Australia, website homepage
- Singapore Management University, website homepage
- Edhec, France, website homepage
- Ivey Business School, Canada, website homepage
- Action learning, explanation
- Experiential learning, explanation
- MSc Climate Change, Management and Finance, Imperial College – course details
- Charley Rogers – twitter
- Charley Rogers – linkedin
- Education Technology – website, homepage
- Education Technology – twitter
- Year in Review Issue – Education Technology – published review on ET website
- AI – explanation
- Workplace skills / workplace prep, ‘The Report: life skills and workplace preparation’, article by Education Technology, 18th November 2019.
- Google’s Future of the classroom, Oct 2019 – product explanation
- Education Secretary – UK Gov
- Germany Vocational Skills, duel education learning – description
- Vocational education – explanation
- Ethics of AI – description
- Ethical implications of AI and advancing tech, ‘Top 9 ethical issues in artificial intelligence’, article by World Economic Forum, Oct 2016.
- Philosophy and ethical education in relation to technology, ‘Philosophy essential for all’, article by ET, April 2017
- University of Bristol, website, homepage
- Interdisciplinary approach to learning, interdisciplinary teaching – description
- Institute of Ethical AI, ‘IOE professor co-founds the UK’s first Institute for Ethical Artificial Intelligence in Education’ – article, further reading, Oct 2018
- UCL, University College London – website, homepage
- Professor Rose Luckin, director of EDUCATE, profile via Educate website
- Sir Anthony Seldon, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham, profile via University of Buckingham website
- Graham Brown Martin – website, homepage
- Graham Brown Martin – linkedin
- Graham Brown Martin – twitter
- Learning Reimagined – twitter
- Learning Reimagined – amazon book
- Lifelong learning – explanation
- Pupil Referral Units – explanation
- Frederick Taylor – further reading
- Remaking the industrial economy, McKinsey article, Feb 2014
- Edsurge – website, homepage
- Standardisation – explanation
- Dual heritage family – definition
- Charter schools – explanation
- Cognitive capacity – explanation
- What is the fourth industrial revolution? World Economic Forum article, Jan 2016
- AI – explanation
- Automation – explanation
- Technological unemployment – explanation
- Pedagogy – explanation
- Venture capitalist – explanation
- Wired Magazine – website, homepage
- James Tooley – further reading
- Bureaucrats – explanation
- The London interdisciplinary School – website, homepage
- Silo – explanation
- Machiavellian – definition
- Interdisciplinary – explanation
- Soft skills – explanation
- Jan Owen – profile featured on The Foundation for Young Australians
- What is enterprise education and how does it work in the UK? Entrepreneur handbook article, Sept 2019
- OECD – website homepage
- Marcel Duchamp – further reading
- Vivienne Westwood – further reading
- Malcolm McClaren – further reading
- Cool Britannia – explanation
- Todd Rose – website, homepage
- 5 Ways That Standardization Can Lead To Innovation, Fast Company article
- Human capital – explanation
- Self actualisation – explanation
- Child and the curriculum 1902 by John Dewey – amazon
- Climate Change: How Do We Know? – Nasa website, further reading
- Ideology – explanation
- Economic models – explanation
- Neoclassical politics – explanation
- John Maynard Keynes – further reading
- Marshall Plan – explanation
- Free market economics – explanation
- Status quo – explanation
- Structural Reforms – further reading
- Generation Z – explanation
- Non violence resistance – definition
- Civil disobedience – definition
- Martin Reeves – Ted talk
- Ray Kurzweil – further reading
- Sentient machines – further reading
Kraftwerk – website, homepage
- Niki Lindholm – LinkedIn
- Niki Lindholm – Twitter
- Nordic Innovation House – website, homepage
- Forum Virium Helsinki – website, homepage
- Sitra – website, homepage
- xEdu – website, homepage
- EduSpaze – Twitter
- EduSpaze – website homepage
- Education Finland – website, homepage
- Emerge Accelerator – website, homepage
- Entrepreneurs – further reading
- Accelerator programmes – further reading, Nesta
- Innovation ecosystem – further reading
- Peer learning – explanation
- Workforce development – explanation
- Ministry Of Education (MOE) – website, homepage
- Polytechnics – explanation
- Entrepreneurial v Entrepreneur – further reading
- Reverse innovation – explanation
- EduTech Asia – event details
- Vocational sector – explanation
- Claire Buckler – LinkedIn
- Devonport HIgh School for Boys – website, homepage
- Devonport High School for Boys – twitter
- Graham Brown Martin – website, further reading
- Head of Devonport High School for Boys, Dan Roberts – Head’s blog on school website
- 21st Century Skills – further reading
- Ashburton, Devon – further details
- Raspberry Pi certified educator – further reading
- Google Level 2 educator – further reading
- NCCE – further reading
- Why Everyone Should Consider Building A Portfolio Career – Forbes article, Aug 2017
- Edtech: the Cinderella of the education budget? – Education Technology article, Feb 2018
- Chromebook – explanation
- Neverware, cloud based software – further reading
- Chrome OS – explanation
- Google Reference School – further reading
- The 92 Hottest EdTech Tools According to Education Experts (Updated For 2019) – Tutorful article, March 2018
- Personalised learning starts to change teaching methods – Financial Times article, Feb 2018
- Leading A New Generation, Self Directed Learning – EnvoPlan article, Sept 201
- 5 Reasons to Teach Digital Citizenship This School Year – Go Guardian article, Jan 2019
- Fake news – explanation
- Designing a School Makerspace – Edutopia Education article, Sept 2013
- Sensors – explanation
- Microbit – website, homepage
- Maker Movement – explanation
- Maker Culture – explanation
- AI – explanation
- Plymouth, A City of Learning – website, home page
- Helping People & Places tell the Story of their Learning, Cities of Learning UK – hundrEd website, further reading
- Online badging – explanation
- Plymouth City Council – website, homepage
- Rosie Clayton, Associate Director, Cities of Learning – RSA profile
- RSA, Cities of Learning – further reading
- Digital Native – explanation
- The Book of Dust by Phillip Pullman – further reading
- American Gods by Neil Gayman – further reading
- PiAcademy training – further details
- Co-Spaces – VR App – website, homepage
Thank you to Bett for supporting the What Matters in Edtech series
The What matters in Edtech Series is produced by The Edtech Podcast and supported by Bett. For more future tech and trends content check out the BETT 2020 programme where future tech and trends is a key theme. Register here. To search across all events, browse across our global events calendar.
Bett is the first industry show of the year in the education technology landscape, bringing together over 800 leading companies, 103 exciting new EdTech startups and over 34,000 attendees. People from over 146 countries in the global education community come together to celebrate, find inspiration and discuss the future of education, as well as seeing how technology and innovation enable educators and learners to thrive. Each year our CPD-accredited seminar programme provides over 300 hours of workshops, talks and discussions addressing the most prominent issues in education, delivered by the people who are leading change and innovation. Find out more and register today: https://www.bettshow.com/
Win £20,000 of WiFi Technology for your school or college. (Thanks to Redway Networks for sponsoring this week’s episode).
This episode of the The Edtech Podcast is sponsored by Redway Networks. Future proof your school’s network for free by winning the latest Wi-Fi 6 technology, fully installed, courtesy of Redway Networks. One lucky school will be able to improve connectivity and enable staff and students to push and explore educational possibilities without limitations. This amazing competition is open to all schools and colleges in the UK until the 18th of December 2019 so, what are you waiting for?! Enter today at www.redwaynetworks.com/win
Tell us where you are listening in from
We’d love to hear about innovative technology or approaches you are developing or using in adult education. Leave your stories in the comments below. Alternately, record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Finally, you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page.