#154 – The new Instructure CEO 6 months in, Literacy Programmes in Kenya, Edtech in Oz.
The new CEO of Instructure on lifelong learning, moving beyond bad legacy edtech investments in Kenya, new international online curriculums
The new CEO of Instructure on lifelong learning, moving beyond bad legacy edtech investments in Kenya, new international online curriculums
This week we look at creating a digital literacy global standard, supporting long-term involvement of women and girls in STEM and new early stage edtech.
A review of Leapfrogging Inequality by Rebecca Winthrop, by various The Edtech Podcast listeners. In Leapfrogging Inequality, researchers chart a new path for global education by examining the possibility of leapfrogging—harnessing innovation to rapidly accelerate educational progress—to ensure that all young people develop the skills they need for a fast-changing world. What do our listeners think?
The first episode in our new series Education 4.0, co-curated with our friends at Jisc. You can follow the conversation using #Edu4_0.This week is all about teaching transformed with The University of Northampton.
Coming soon…
Education 4.0 – a new series on The Edtech Podcast co-curated with Jisc. This seven-part podcast series will examine the changing world of higher and further education. Follow the conversation using #Edu4_0
From one Olympic park in London, to the Bird’s Nest in Beijing. I’ve arrived for my first trip to China. Here are my notes from the first keynotes at the GET Summit.
I visited Beijing last month and part of my trip included visiting the ZMTB “MOOC” building in Beijing. ZMTB are keen to welcome international edtech companies to be housed in the building and become part of Beijing’s edtech scene. Find out how you can get involved.
This week we have the final episode of the Ufi Upskilling mini-series on The Edtech Podcast. This series takes a bite-size look at technologies in work-place training which are changing the ways we learn and thrive. This week, we look at artificial intelligence in adult education.
What else? This week’s main feature is a LIVE podcast discussion on how AI can help in education, including the need to maintain a balance between a reliance on computers and human interaction.
This is a Guest Post article by Nick Novak and one of a series of “takeaways” from The Edtech Podcast Festival. This is the takeaway article from the edtech stage at the event. See the rest of our series for takeaways on “educators”, the LIVE podcast stage and more.
Alex Beard, former English teacher and author of the book Natural Born Learners (not Leaders Sophie!!), is in conversation with David Booth, former-founder, product manager and early stage technology investor with a background in venture capital and law. This episode ranges from Silicon Valley, South Korea, and Singapore, to Finland, Southwark and Socrates to explore the book former edtech podcast guest Geoff Barton describes as “audacious, sassy and unafraid of the big questions” in his review for the Times Educational Supplement.