#266 – Making EdTech More Inclusive

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What’s in this episode?
Welcome to the fourth episode in a series produced by Professor Rose Luckin’s EDUCATE Ventures Research, exploring ‘Evidence-Based EdTech’, and hosted on The Edtech Podcast
This mini-series connects, combines, and highlights leading expertise and opinion from the worlds of EdTech, AI, Research, and Education, helping teachers, learners, and technology developers get to grips with ethical learning tools that are led by the evidence.
For this episode we will examine topics such how we use existing technology to assist with DEI and ethics, and what we know of technology that does not include this perspective. We ask why that might be, and we look at the art of data capture, and data irresponsibility: what are we capturing that we shouldn’t, who is being affected by our biases, and if this is a step in the development of technological interventions that organisations can afford to skip. How do we mitigate systemic bias and scaled harm? What are examples of inclusive technology that accommodate the learning styles, online behaviours, device access, and dis/abilities of learners? Can we place more pressure on leadership in schools and institutions to incorporate inclusive technologies? What do we know of user agency, and how does that affect the design and transparency of an EdTech solution?
We’ll be asking:
- what does inclusive or ethical technology look like?
- why developers should understand and facilitate ‘user agency’ in their tools
- what we should demand of developers and the tech industry so that it caters most effectively to the widest audience
- Charlotte Webb – Cofounder, Feminist Internet
Dr Charlotte Webb is Co-founder of Feminist Internet, a non-profit organisation on a mission to advance internet equality for women and other marginalised groups through creative practice and feminist technology development. She is Founding Director of Even, a consultancy providing creative approaches to tech equity for the next generation of business. Charlotte led the development of the CCI’s MA Internet Equalities course and the FutureLearn course ‘How to Design a Feminist Chatbot’. She was nominated by the Evening Standard as one of the most influential people in Technology and Science in London, 2018 and has been widely featured in the international press. She has presented her work internationally, including at TedX, Reykjavik Global Women’s Forum, Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity and Barbados Internet Governance Forum. Described as a ‘deviant academic’, Dr Webb’s PhD was a creative exploration of how the internet has transformed artistic authorship and cultural production.
Daisy Cresswell – Cofounder, Strategy Director, Make (Good) Trouble
Daisy set up Make (Good) Trouble productions with her sister Tayler in 2018. This is their second venture together. In 2009 they set up Liberty842 where they developed digital strategies and content for brands and broadcasters, TV and radio shows including Mr Selfridge, Alan Carr Chatty Man, The Last Leg and Holby City. Daisy was previously Online Brand Director at Channel 5, Head of New Media at branding agency Imagination, and on the Board of Trustees for the Brighton Fringe. Daisy is mum of two and is the driving force behind Make (Good) Trouble.
Nicola Wyatt & Silvie Koanda – Cofounders, Soundwaves Foundation
Sound Waves Foundation was born out of the need and want to celebrate differences. Deafness, to them, is not disability: it is deafability. They want to empower deaf children and young adults so that they can achieve their true potential in education and life, to blast them towards a future full of possibilities. The don’t believe in labels, barriers or walls but in ambition, experiences and growth. Using technology to aid learning, experiences to feed passion and understanding to support inclusion, our sonic boomers will soar into the future! Nicola is mother to creative, cheeky and fabulous hearing aid wearer Sofia, an animal lover, horse rider and aspiring vet. Silvie is mother to two brilliant and funny deaf children, Elyana a keen surfer, ocean activist and Noah a future pro skateboarder scientist. Silvie has a certificate in BSL level 1 and she’s hoping to start level 2 soon.
Rose Luckin – Professor of Learner Centred Design, UCL, Founder, EDUCATE Ventures Research
Rosemary (Rose) Luckin is Professor of Learner Centred Design at UCL Knowledge Lab. She was named one of the 20 most influential people in education in the Seldon List, 2017. Rose is Founder of EDUCATE Ventures Research Ltd., a London hub for start-ups, researchers and educators developing evidence-based educational technology. She is past president and current treasurer of the International Society for AI in Education and co-founder of the Institute for Ethical AI in Education.
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