#156 – The Personal Curriculum

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What’s in this episode?
Welcome to episode five of the Education 4.0 series co-curated with our friends at Jisc, looking at the changing world of education in the fourth industrial era.
This week’s episode is all about the personal curriculum. We explore what the personal curriculum might mean in reality, a reality where we can both forge our own path aided by technology but without feeling isolated.
We are horizon gazing with Natalie 4.0, bringing things back to the present day with Ada the Chatbot at Bolton College, and thinking about where pastoral care and the role of the mentor fits into personalised learning chatting to Connect2Teach and GP Dominique Thompson.
Enjoy! and don’t forget to message in or post using #edu4_0!
Listener messages & hellos from;
- Jędrek Stępień, a teacher in the South of France
- Ahmed Jime, a Education Technology lecturer at University in Borno, Nigeria
- Chris Skidmore MP, Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation here in England
- Stuart Allen, StudyCat
Guests and interviews with;
- Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast | Twitter: @podcastedtech
- Aftab Hussein, Technology Lead, Bolton College | Twitter: @Aftab_Hussain
- Dean Baggaley, Systems Developer, Bolton College
- Priyanka Agarwal, CEO & Founder, Connect2Teach | Twitter: @connect2teach
- Dr Dominique Thompson, GP, Health & Wellbeing Consultant, | Twitter: @DrdomThompson
- Jędrek Stępień
- Ahmed Jime
- Chris Skidmore MP
- Lord Chris Holmes
- Nesta
- Stuart Allen, StudyCat
- EdtechX, London
- Professor Rose Luckin
- Kristen DiCerbo
- DigiFest
- Natalie 4.0
- Make Real
- Pepper the Robot
- Ada the Chatbot
- Jisc
- Damian Hinds
- Bolton College
- Aftab Hussein
- Dean Baggaley
- Priyanka Agarwal
- Connect2Teach
- UCL School of Management
- Pearson College London
- Imperial Business School
- Martin Hamilton
- Accenture
- Adidas
- Hewlett Packard enterprise
- Dominique Thompson
- Buzz Consulting
- NHS Library
- Student Minds Website
- Universities Uk
- TEDx talk: What I learnt from 78,000 GP consultations with university students
- Dominique’s books supporting students
- Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey
- How to Fail Podcast by Elizabeth Day
- You can listen to the full uncut and unmixed interviews here
Quotes from this episode
Thank you to Jisc for supporting this series
Our vision is for the UK to be the most digitally-advanced higher education, further education and research nation in the world.
Tell us your story
We’d love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.