#222 – Recruitment and Admissions

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What’s in this episode?
This episode is part of the second season of our ‘The Edge: Accelerating Higher Education’ series, supported by Salesforce.Org. The Edge takes a fresh look at higher education and digital transformation and this episode is all about recruitment and admissions.
We talk about the complex nature of reaching, recruiting and retaining students in the age of COVID-19 and beyond.
You’ll hear about;
- Coordinating COVID-secure entrance exam processes
- Multi-channel communications to diverse student populations
- Streamlining recruitment with case-studies from Finland and the U.K
Continue the conversation online at @podcastedtech and @SalesforceOrg with #EdTechEdge and #Edtechpod.
Plus, if you missed the recent webinar Sophie Bailey, Founder and host of The EdTech podcast, took part in with Salesforce.Org, it is now available on-demand. The speakers explore how higher education institutions can use technology in new ways and guide prospective students from the first interaction to enrolment with personalised engagements at scale and in real-time. For more information and to watch the webinar, take a look here; ‘Top Questions on the Minds of University Recruitment Teams‘.
Jane Armstrong, Senior Director, Salesforce.Org | Twitter: @SalesforceOrg
Jane Armstrong is a Senior Director, Education Industry Solutions International (EMEA & APAC) at Salesforce.org, the social enterprise division of Salesforce focused on delivering technology to nonprofits, educational institutions, and philanthropic organisations so they can have a bigger impact.
Joanna Kumpula, International Student Recruitment – Strategy & Insight, Tampere University | Twitter: @joannakoo; @TampereUni
Joanna is a Senior Specialist in international student recruitment at Tampere University in Finland. Before joining Tampere University, Joanna worked in several positions in international student marketing, recruitment and admissions in the university sector, was the marketing manager for Study in Finland brand and she also managed her own university consulting agency. Joanna’s professional interests lie in service design, student journey development, and content and digital marketing. Joanna has a marketing degree as well as Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in English Philology from the University of Oulu, and she has also studied in Spain and the USA. Joanna was elected as a General Council member for the 2020–2022 term.
Katy Willis, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Student Success, Plymouth Marjon University | Twitter: @shoekaty; @marjonuni
Katy Willis is responsible for student recruitment and marketing, external and internal communications and student experience at Marjon University. Katy sits on the Senior Management Team and currently sits on the Ethics Committee. Her background is in retail marketing, covering food, telecoms and community-based activity. Katy has worked for the last two years in Higher Education.
Petri Suomala, Vice President for Education, Aalto University, Finland – Business and Technology | Twitter: @MattiPetri; @AaltoUniversity
Petri Suomala is a Higher Education professional working for Aalto University, student wellbeing and Education excellence. He previously worked at Tampere University of Technology (TUT).
Petri is a professor of profitability management and management accounting. He has served as VP for Education, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Built Environment as well as Head of Department of Industrial Management and is a co-founder of Cost Management Center (CMC) research team at TUT.
Petri has published in several international top-tier journals including e.g. Management Accounting Research, Accounting and Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Techovation, International Journal of Innovation Management, International Journal of Production Economics, and European Journal of Innovation Management. He is author of several books on management accounting and research methods published e.g. by Routledge, Edita and Springer. His research interests relate to the versatile utilisation of management accounting in industrial companies and other organisations. He is particularly experienced in life-cycle costing and long-term evaluation of organisations’ performance. Interventionist research as a methodological approach is one of his areas of expertise.
Esa Hämäläinen, Director of Administration, University of Helsinki | Twitter: @esahamal
Esa Hämäläinen is the Director of Administration of the University of Helsinki. Director of Administration has overall responsibility for the university administration. He is member of the Rector’s senior management team, member of the management team of University Group and Secretary-General of the Board of the University. He is the executive officer of University Services, providing services for education and research, general administrative services and services in strategic planning, finance, human resources and communications and corporate relations both centrally and locally in on-site teams. He is chairman and member of Board of Directors in several university-owned companies and national associations. He is currently also the chairman of HUMANE, the European Network for Heads of University Administration and Management.
Susanna Niinistö-Sivuranta, Director of Development and Head of Student Services, University of Helsinki | Twitter: @NiinistoS; @helsinkiuni
Susanna Niinistö-Sivuranta is the director of development in the University of Helsinki leading education development services, educational affairs and Open University. Further, she is responsible for university-wide services and educational planning of education, digital development of education, career services, admission services, student well-being services and internationalization of education.
Susanna has many years of experience as a teacher, developer and leader. She has been a vice-rector of education and has been participating in many different kinds of national and international development and research projects. Her publications are related to the development of higher education. She is a board member of several companies.
Susanna thinks that as a leader it is important to support and inspire individual people as well as the teams to strive for challenging results. This is well supported by the field of expertise Susanna is having in communication in creative learning environments and higher education. She has a PhD in education.
Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast | Twitter: @podcastedtech
Sophie is the founder of the iTunes new and noteworthy, The Edtech Podcast. The mission of The Edtech Podcast is to improve the dialogue between ‘ed’ and ‘tech’ for better innovation, through storytelling. The podcast is downloaded from over 145 countries with the UK, US & Aus in the top 3. Sophie has spoken and moderated at a variety of events including SXSW EDU, Yidan Education Prize, ASU GSV Summit, and the Next Billion Edtech Summit. She is an industry mentor and advisor, including to the UCL Knowledge Lab initiative EDUCATE, a Reimagine Education, GESA Awards, Bett Awards and XPrize Adult Literacy judge, and previous Edtech50 and Edtech Digest winner.
Sophie is passionate about lifelong and everyday learning. If she’s not interviewing a University Vice-Chancellor, Edtech Investor, School Leader, or StartUp about education innovation, she’s engrossed in Teach Your Monster to Read or wrestling her lockdown baby. A keen cyclist, she has recently relocated to West Devon which she considers the English version of the Pyrenees.
Thank you to the Salesforce.Org
The Edge Series is produced by The Edtech Podcast and supported by Salesforce.Org.
Salesforce.org is the social impact centre of Salesforce focused on partnering with the global community of change-makers. They provide access to powerful technology that empowers changemakers to build a better world. Salesforce.org’s Education Cloud gives Higher Education institutions a single, shared view of students, alumni and staff in an integrated CRM platform to create personalised experiences at scale – transforming learner engagements into lifelong relationships.
Quotes from this episode
- Top Questions on the Minds of University Recruitment Teams – link to recent webinar recording for Salesforce.Org, now available on-demand.
- Petri Suomala – LinkedIn
- Petri Suomala – Twitter
- Aalto University – Website
- Aalto University – Twitter
- Tampere University – Website
- Tampere University – Twitter
- Finnish DigiVision 2030 – Website
- Higher Education Institutes’ Digivision 2030, Finland as a model country for flexible learning – publication
- Katy Willis – LinkedIn
- Katy Willis – Twitter
- Plymouth Marjon University – Website
- Plymouth Marjon University – Twitter
- Plymouth Marjon University virtual tour – Website
- Plymouth Marjon University Futures Online – Website
- Guild H.E – Website
- Guild H.E – Twitter
- Universities UK – Website
- Universities UK – Twitter
- UniBuddy – Website
- UniBuddy – Twitter
- Squared Online Digital Marketing Course – Website
- Squared Online, Google – Google explanation
- Avado – Website – This is the company providing the above course.
- Avado – Twitter
- Discourses of Digital Disruption In Education – PDF Link to paper
- Digital Disruption: Beyond The Buzz – Website with PDF link
- Jane Armstrong – LinkedIn
- Salesforce.org – Website
- Salesforce.org – Twitter
- Vudoo – Website
- Vudoo – LinkedIn
- Vudoo/Salesforce – Short section about Vudoo’s partnership with Salesforce, Website
- Vudoo/Salesforce – Salesforce app exchange page with more info on Vudoo’s tech, Website
- Gist – Website
- Gist – Twitter
- Gist – LinkedIn
- Universities UK – Website
- Universities UK – LinkedIn
- Universities UK – Twitter
- Admission Connect – Website, Salesforce.org admission and recruitment app.
- Salesforce.org Education Cloud – Website covering Salesforce.org higher ed offerings.
- 5 Trends in Higher Education Recruitment and Admissions – Blog post from SalesForce.org
- Joanna Kumpula – LinkedIn
- Joanna Kumpula – Twitter
- Tampere University – Website
- Tampere University – Twitter
- Tampere Universities Merger – Website/Article
- Tampere International students applications – Short article on international student application growth.
- European Association for International Education (EAIE) – Website
- EAIE – Twitter
- Esa Hämäläinen – LinkedIn
- Esa Hämäläinen – Twitter
- Susanna Niinistö-Sivuranta – LinkedIn
- Susanna Niinistö-Sivuranta – Twitter
- Helsinki University – Twitter
- Professor Minna Huotilainen – Link to people page on University of Helsinki website – You can read scientific articles from Minna here (in English), and general publications on how brain and memory works (in Finnish)
- COGNITIVE BRAIN RESEARCH UNIT; Uncovering lifelong brain dynamics – link to Minna Huotilainen’s unit on the University of Helsinki website
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We’d love to hear about innovative technology or approaches you are developing or using in adult education. Leave your stories in the comments below. Alternately, record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Finally, you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page.