On the Eleventh Day of Digital Leadership… Embrace the Edge!

11. Embrace the Edge
Embrace the edge? What does this mean? Throw away old models of top-down leadership and make sure you are using digital connectivity to garner the best ideas from your network of staff, students, parents, Governors and local businesses.
‘We need to change how we train future managers and leaders. If we try and be top down we will not be able to keep up. In a rapidly changing world, the edge often knows better what is happening than the ‘top’’ David Bray, Former Chief Information Officer, Federal Communications Commission
‘It can’t be one person’s job. Show-casing was a quick-win that allowed us to create a competent digital team. They showed what they were able to do with technology in the classroom.’ Michelle Thomas, Executive Head teacher of 3 primary schools in Hackney, London, UK
Lesson: Set up show and tell forums to bring forward the best ideas from your network. Keep up to date with new ideas on twitter. Use various communication channels to get the knowledge from your team, whether that’s face-to-face, within a group meeting, social media, whatsapp, slack channel etc.
Video below: David Bray talks ‘Embracing the Edge’ 12:03-15:00
Listen for more digital leaderships tips & tricks:
Episode 65: David Bray, Former Chief Information Officer, Federal Communications Commission
Episode 40: Michelle Thomas, Executive Head teacher of 3 primary schools in Hackney, London, UK