#228 – How a £7.6m immersive technology dome is bringing university, schools and workplaces together

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What’s in this episode?
Still on Summer Break (!), but another in-person recording to celebrate f2f!
This time, I’m in conversation with Lindsey Hall Chief Executive Real Ideas Organisation at the VIP opening of the Devonport Markethall in Plymouth.
Lindsey is a NESTA Cultural Leadership fellow, an INSEAD graduate, a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Trustee of Kernow Education Arts Partnership and Plymouth Culture, member of Plymouth Growth Board and one of the WISE100 social enterprise leaders. During the COVID pandemic, she has advised the Government on the role of social enterprises both socially and economically during a time of extreme isolation.
In this episode we chat about how listeners can get involved with the MarketHall 15metre immersive dome – both in terms of content creation, engaging students, and developing workplace practice. This is a really interesting collaboration project, surfacing University expertise, and connecting schools, workplaces, technologists and artists together.
Developed by Real Ideas Organisation, in partnership with Plymouth City Council and the Institute of Digital Art and Technology at University of Plymouth, the Market Hall is a £7.6m project which will create a new space for digital, especially those working in immersive and creative applications of technology.
Plus, stick around to the outro, to find out about our new self-paced course for launching a podcast – out at the end of Summer 2021.
You can register your interest here.
“The undergraduate degree certificate is not the be-all and end-all of education. We’re exploding that.
Interested in launching a podcast? Register your interest for our self-paced course which launches soon.

Institute of Digital Art and Technology at University of Plymouth
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