Cleo Fatoorehchi

Rocket Fund
Operations Commander
Cleo is the Operations Commander at Rocket Fund, which is part of the innovation foundation Nesta. Rocket Fund is a crowdfunding platform for schools, on a mission to enhance learning for all by enabling all students to access the latest technology and finding out what works. It does this by modernising school fundraising and gathering user reviews.
Cleo previously worked at BESA, the British Educational Suppliers Association, developing its external communications and negotiating PR benefits for BESA members. Prior to that, Cleo worked in communications in a small child rights charity before joining the higher education sector with Universities UK International. In another life she was a human rights journalist, including for IPS News press agency.
Cleo has a Master's in Gender & International Development from the University of Warwick.
You can find her on Twitter @CleoFatoo.
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